Tamoxifen Day 7 – I’m Feeling Purple

Today marked my 7th tamoxifen pill. One week down. Around 259 to go. Give or take. Taking that first pill was such a monumental moment. I didn’t know what would happen next. I think I expected to transform into something resembling a Purple Minion. Have you seen Despicable Me 2? The bad guy creates a formula that he injects into the sweet and lovable yellow Minions. The drug does a whoosh-bang-do on them and they turn into evil purple representations of themselves. But it didn’t happen to me on Day 1. Or Days 2, 3, 4, or 5. But yesterday and today, I started feeling a bit Purple-Minionish.

We’ve had 2 long days of teacher training – which I love – and I’ve been on my feet all day. However, I’ve had moments where all of the sudden I feel not-quite-myself. It’s like normal me turns into a Purple Minion for a bit, and then it passes. It’s such a weird feeling. It happened 2-3 times over the last 2 days. And once I got home, it was all Purple. Too tired to fight it.

I felt like everyone could tell something suddenly wasn’t quite right. My unfocused eyes, darting around like I’m not sure where I am. The deep breath or two while I try and figure out exactly what it was I was about to say. Purple. Minion. According to reliable sources, this is normal for the medication. So I’m not worried about it, and I’ve really got no choice but to roll with this new normal (sheesh – that’s such a 2020 term, LOL!). And I know it’s for the best to combat the cancer. So if you see a wild-eyed purple creature wandering the streets of Grand Prairie, put a coffee in my hand and point me in the direction of my house.